How to Select Jewelry Wholesale Beads

When purchasing wholesale jewelry beads, you 

must use care. You don’t want to end up with beads 

that aren’t worth anything to you! Selecting beads 

takes a lot of thought – we aren’t talking about 

plastic beads that children use to make jewelry. We 

are talking about quality beads used to make grown 

up jewelry!

Avoid cheap plastic beads. This may be suitable for 

some pieces, but it isn’t very durable – or very 

pretty. Instead, buy glass beads or Lucite beads. 

These are not only durable, they are very shiny and 

pretty. They do not have the ‘cloudy’ look of plastic 


Inspect the beads for imperfections if possible. 

Beads that are ‘lopsided’ won’t do. Beads that are 

chipped, broken, or scratched are useless. Don’t 

purchase these beads no matter how cheap they 


Most jewelry wholesale beads are sold in bulk. In 

this case, you probably won’t have the opportunity 

to inspect the beads, so ask about the exchange 

policy. Will you be able to exchange the beads that 

are less than perfect? Depending on how the beads 

are packaged and sold, and the policy of the 

business selling the jewelry wholesale beads, this 

may not be possible.


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